“What began as just a project in lockdown, quickly became the fun fashion vellies we love today.”
New Earth is a South African manufactured range of branded footwear focusing on premium fashion animal print veldskoens (known as vellies to us) as well as corporate and school branded concepts.

As one door closes another opens!
My 28-year old sports business closed a few months back due to sport being shut down for the majority of 2020.
I found myself asking, ‘What now’? My wife requested a pair of leopard print veldskoen shoes for her birthday and I approached a friend, who had been in the shoe industry for many years, to see if it was possible.
One post on social media created a leopard print vellie frenzie! I was suddenly inundated with orders and enquiries from around the world. October 2020 gave birth to my brand, New Earth.
I would have never thought I’d be running a business selling ladies fashion veldskoens, but here I am and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
If this season has taught me anything it’s to just keep believing and never give up! I invite you to join the New Earth journey as we build friendships, tell stories and
create magic.
We’d love to hear what you think of our products and hear your story! Connect with us on social media.